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Member since May 17, 2011
Last login Feb 11, 2014
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 134
Total listings completed: 125
Total listings w/ winner: 122
Feedback received: 153
Positive feedback: 149
Negative feedback: 0
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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"Be Your Self!" silver beads for making jewelry, bracelets and more (view item)
Joy Joy Joy times 7, beautiful silver beads (view item)
Fun bright orange and pink rhinestone Flip-Flop pin great for young girl (view item)
Set fo 6 handmade scriptural NOTE CARDs made with original fine art photography (view item)
Rainbow colors Brand New awesome set of 8 Micro Fiber Towls for Kitchen or bath (view item)
4 very pretty turquoise pearlescent round beads (view item)
30 drilled Turquoise beads very pretty and yes they are real (view item)
two very pretty printed resin PINK beads with Birds (view item)