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Member since May 17, 2011
Last login Feb 11, 2014
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 134
Total listings completed: 125
Total listings w/ winner: 122
Feedback received: 153
Positive feedback: 149
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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16 silver spacers (rings) for beading , very nice (view item)
Scriptural thoughts of encouragement bible "NOTE CARDs" (view item)
30 pieces of turquoise stones for beading, real stones (view item)
Avon Cool Confidence NEW never used roll on anti-perspirant, get 1 Free if bid exceeds 500 credits. (view item)
Tiered Auction for Avon Cool Confidence Anti-perspirant tiered Auction (view item)
Super Stuffed with beads and jewelry making things 6x9 bubble mailer read for details (view item)
Set of 4 4x6 signed by artsist prints, Soft and ethereal Fine Art (view item)
Beads, beads beads, this is an adorable set in purples and pinks. (view item)