"had no problems with the seller i just didnt respond fast enough i only do listia on the weekends a ... " (more)nd i didnt answer his message all week so he requested a refund"
left positive feedback for
Karen171 on May 10th, 2014 at 5:50 PM PDT (almost 11 years ago)
NIP UKARMS AIRSOFT GUN WITH LASER USES 6MM BB'S GIN will GETS 1000 6mm black bb's(view item)
"they are very friendly and very polite and prompt would have enjoyed doing business with them had i ... " (more) not ruined their box tops i look forward to doing business in the future "
"seller canceled their account or something and i had to wait 20 days for the time limit to expire s ... " (more)o i could automatically get my credits"
"after winning the auction they said they were going to send it friday then said they did i asked th ... " (more)em the tracking number and got ignored for 5 days in a row then i requested a refund and they wouldnt issue that and finally listia approved it"