"Thank you tons!!!!! Superb Listia user, will buy from again if I have enough credit points. Be sure ... " (more) to check out my Pokemon YouTube channel @bbb_888 as well !!"
"I actually made a YouTube video for the item that I won from you last year. Check out my channel @b ... " (more)bb_888 and look for a video titled "(part d) Pokémon FCBM - Listia". Appreciate your support and dedication. As for this item, I received it today! Thanks for being a superb Listia user!! A++"
"Shipping took 2 months!! Looks like it took a detour thru New York but it finally arrived in Canada ... " (more). Thanks trustable Listia seller ^_^ Also be sure to check out my Pokemon YouTube channel bbb888 "
"Shipping was delayed because of holiday season and heavy snow. Received the cards in one peace luck ... " (more)ily. Thank you wonderful Listia seller. Please leave feedback afterwards for #MeToo "
left positive feedback for
taniaess on Feb 7th, 2023 at 11:48 AM PST (about 2 years ago)
Pokémon trading cards,Bill,&Stickers set(chosen randomly)11pieces (view item)
"I made a YouTube video of this!! Check out my latest video on my profile. Thanks so much, awesome L ... " (more)istia user!! A++++ experience. Highly recommended"