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Member since Dec 19, 2013
Last login Mar 22, 2025
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Current listings: 93
Total listings: 36,006
Total listings completed: 35,910
Total listings w/ winner: 7,832
Feedback received: 7,860
Positive feedback: 7,839
Negative feedback: 8
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Scott #1456-59 Colonial Craftsmen, Pane of 4 Useable 8¢ US Postage Stamps (view item)
Scott #1456-59 Colonial Craftsmen, Pane of 4 Useable 8¢ US Postage Stamps (view item)
Scott #1456-59 Colonial Craftsmen, Pane of 4 Useable 8¢ US Postage Stamps (view item)
Scott #2033, Hot Air Balloon, 1 Useable 20¢ US Postage Stamp (view item)
Scott #2059 + #2060, Street Cars, 2 Useable 20¢ US Postage Stamps (view item)
Scott #2008, Breeder Reactor, Useable 20¢ US Postage Stamp (view item)
Scott #1126, Jose de San Martin, 1 Useable 8¢ US Postage Stamp (view item)
Scott #1560, Salem Poor, Gallant Soldier, 1 Useable US Postage 10¢ Stamp (view item)
Scott #1129, World Peace Through World Trade, 1 Useable 8¢ US Postage Stamp (view item)
Scott #1484, George Gershwin, 2 Useable 8¢ US Postage Stamps (view item)