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Member since Dec 20, 2013
Last login Jun 9, 2020
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Total listings: 602
Total listings completed: 601
Total listings w/ winner: 545
Feedback received: 844
Positive feedback: 829
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Handmade Gorgeous Embroidered Kids Jean Craft Cooking Apron Made With Love GIFT (view item)
Dear Mom Memory Journal Hardback Book DIY Gift From Daughter Mini Scrapbook L○○K!! (view item)
Yellow Sugar Skull Day of the Dead Embroidered Iron-on Sew-on Patch (view item)
Amazing! Kitty Cat Kat Lovers Scrapbook Paper Craft Bundle!! #1 Cat Furry Friend Mice Purr! PAWS (view item)
NEW Nature's Truth Aromatherapy ENERGY Essential Oil Roll-on 10mL + Bonus Mystery Item! (view item)
positive feedback for
on Nov 7th, 2018 at 8:22 PM PST (over 6 years ago)
Junk Drawer Clean Out!! Shampoo Stationary Command Hooks Stylus Earplugs Pads Bandaids HUGE (view item)
positive feedback for
on Nov 9th, 2018 at 11:53 AM PST (over 6 years ago)
HUGE FULL SHEET STICKER LOT!! Easter Disney Nascar Lisa Frank So Much To Give!! (view item)
Chips Recovery Rosary AA CA NA 12 Set Program Vintage Lot Keychain Metal Plastic L○○K! (view item)
Mini Halloween/Fall FUN Lot! Pen Necklace Brad's Ribbon & Stickers! NEW!! Crafts (view item)
NEW - Funny Gift - Dammit Dolls Elephant Donkey Vote Political Democrat Republican Stress Reliever (view item)