"Thank you so much for sending them so fast. They are for my great grandson and he has grown out of ... " (more) all his clothes, and now it is getting cold, so he really needed them. Thanks again"
left positive feedback for
BUDGETFRIENDLY on Dec 4th, 2014 at 7:11 PM PST (about 10 years ago)
Infant sz. 12 month fisher price jeans (view item)
"I got the package a few minutes ago, and love all the outfits for my great grandson. His mother do ... " (more)esn't have anything, except these outfits, so she was thrilled that she is getting them. Thanks for using UPS & I could tell where the package was all the time & when I would get it. Not so with USPS."
"She sent it right away, but it took the postoffice along time. Shipping said it would arrive on 3- ... " (more)4--14, and finally got it today. It is so cute, and my granddaughter was born today. Thanks "