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Member since Jan 9, 2014
Last login Apr 21, 2021
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Total listings: 397
Total listings completed: 363
Total listings w/ winner: 331
Feedback received: 1,020
Positive feedback: 1,013
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Elephant, Faith, Infinity Boho Wrap Bracelet~ (1563) (view item)
Owl, Anchor, Faith, Infinity Wings Boho Charm Wrap Bracelet~ (1567) (view item)
Infinity, Love, Giraffe and Tree of Life Boho Charm Wrap Bracelet~ (1516) (view item)
PINK TEA ROSE Moisturizing Bath Fizzy Powder - Total Bath Bliss (view item)
RELAX- Moisturizing Bath Fizzy Powder - Total Bath Bliss (view item)
ROMANCE - Moisturizing Bath Fizzy Powder - Total Bath Bliss (view item)
New Peace Birds, Circle of life Boho Wrap Bracelet~ (ZA045) (view item)
Pearl Alloy Butterfly Stud Earrings + Global Shiping & GIN BONUS! (view item)