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Member since Jan 14, 2014
Last login Dec 26, 2017
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 12
Total listings completed: 9
Total listings w/ winner: 9
Feedback received: 148
Positive feedback: 145
Negative feedback: 0
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Magic the Gathering Tempest Avenging Angel RARE out of print! (view item)
MTG, Foil Sanctum Gargoyle , Magic The Gathering Cards (view item)
MTG, Toil/Trouble, Dragon Maze Split Fuse Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
MTG, M14, Zombie, Gnawing Zombie, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
MTG Loathsome Catoblepas (x3) 1 is FOIL Theros creatures (view item)
MTG, Rare Land Lava Tubes, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
MTG, Theros Decorated Griffin, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
MTG,Rare Archon of The Triumvirate RTR, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)