"Seller never bothered to pay shipping amount as per requested in auction. Also I had to wait till t ... " (more)he credits would transfer to me in order to receive them. Won`t EVER do any transactions business with this person again!!!"
"Really Nice and the Plant starts she sends are top notch!! She always makes sure that the plant is ... " (more)doing well for you also. Vicky is Very Sweet. I`m So Lucky to Have Met Her!! I Very Grateful to Know Her and to call her my Friend!! Looking forward to winning more of her auctions real soon if I can!!"
"Received the little thimble! Perfect little thing too.... Very Grateful for it I a Happy to Win Auc ... " (more)tions from You Vicky! Really Nice Woman to work with and your starts always look really Great!! Looking forward to winning more in the near future!!"
"Thanks So Much!! The Stamps are Wonderful you sent. I am really Blessed to have won your auction. I ... " (more) think your a Great Woman to work with!! A++++ and a Great Auctioneer!! Hope to do more transactions in the future and up and coming auctions you may have listed!! Thank You!!"
"Thanks so much really Happy with all of them!! Happy to have won your auction!! I find that your a ... " (more)Really Nice Auctioneer to deal with. I do hope to have more transactions in the near as well as later future! Thanks Again"
"Really Thankful for all of the starts and the extra`s too!! Really your a Wonderful Woman to win ... " (more) an Auction from. I do hope that in the near and later future to at least get to bid on more of your auctions!! I think your an A++++ Listian and Great Auctioneer!!"
"A+++ Listian and Great Auctioneer!! Stamps were in great shape as described. Also they were the exa ... " (more)ct ones in the auction not a switch around deal. Shipping was really quick also. Thanks so much!!"
"Thank You the stamps were just like the photos and were not tore anywhere either. I found it a Real ... " (more) Pleasure to do business with you like this!! I do hope we will be able to do more business in the near and later future soon!! Thanks Again"
"Thanks!! I received a nice set of starts to put in water to root. I`m just Happy that the starts lo ... " (more)oked so good after all the traveling. I find that your a Really Nice Woman and I Hope Doing business with you is something I see more of doing really soon!! Thank You So Much Again!!! "
"Thank You!! Really Great items and in Really mint shape just as you said. I really do Hope to do mo ... " (more)re transactions /business with you in the near future. I think your a Really Nice Person also. Thanks Again to You!!"