"Your so welcoooooome, my Friend. Thanks so much for bidding! It's Been a pleasure and so ... " (more)oooo much Fun. X-Files is the "BEST"!!!!!!!!!! Please ALWAYS, come back around And look at my stickers! If I get any X-Files merchandise, your the 1st One I will contact!!!!!!l Lol, Tamera"
left positive feedback for
rebeccacoleman75685 on Aug 19th, 2024 at 5:21 PM PDT (6 months ago)
6 - "I WANT TO BELIEVE, X-FILES" STICKERS (1 Free Sticker/ regular win/ 2 Free w/GIN)(view item)
"Your so welcome, my X-File Greatest Friend. So glad you love Them. Thank you so very much for ... " (more)>Bidding, and hope you always stick Around. So happpppppppy to serve You. Lol, Tamera"