"Shipping got messed up and it came back to me and buyer didn't wanna wait again..which is under ... " (more)standable.. Good Listian and patient :) Have a good night"
"Very patient Listian Buyer.. The chain was sent and don't know why tracking number didn't g ... " (more)o thru..had to have been a mix up with the mail. :("
"Sent them but they never made it for some reason..but very patient Listian Buyer..waited and waited ... " (more) before asking about a refund..must have been a mix up with the mail because they were sent"
"I'm terribly sorry..this was beyond my control and its never happened to me before and I will s ... " (more)end these out to you on Monday or Tuesday.. Again so sorry.. I've always kept in touch with the buyers from the auctions"
Have a good night"