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Member since Feb 15, 2014
Last login May 10, 2017
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on Apr 26th, 2015 at 8:00 AM PDT (over 9 years ago)
One floating locket charm * GIN bonus (silver elephant) (view item)
One floating locket charm *GIN bonus (wrapped candy) (view item)
One floating locket charm *GIN bonus (yellow & black army wife ) (view item)
One floating locket charm *GIN bonus (silver & red) (view item)
One floating locket charm *GIN bonus (silver hand) (view item)
One floating locket charm *GIN bonus (black and silver maple leaf) (view item)
One floating locket charm *GIN bonus (purple and gold paw print) (view item)
One floating locket charm (pink and silver hope) (view item)
One floating locket charm *GIN bonus (silver elephant) (view item)