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Member since Feb 28, 2014
Last login Mar 21, 2025
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 61
Total listings completed: 61
Total listings w/ winner: 61
Feedback received: 10,322
Positive feedback: 10,311
Negative feedback: 0
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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1977 Poland Sc2248a 20 Years of Space Conquest MNH S/S (view item)
1981 Australia Sc772 Jockey Darby Munro by Tony Rafty FDC (view item)
1978 Ireland Sc428 Wild flowers: Gentiana Verna FDC (view item)
1982 Mongolia Sc1269 Betula platyphylla FDC (view item)
2000 UN, NY Sc776a Endangered Species maxi card (view item)
1996 UN, NY Sc677a Endangered Species maxi card (view item)
1999 Australia Sc1765 Snowy Mountains Hydroelectric Projects maxi card (view item)
1996 UN, Vienna Sc205 Sport & Environment: Gymnastics maxi card (view item)
1991 UN, NY Sc597 UN Postal Administration 40th Anniv. maxi card (view item)
1996 UN, NY Sc684 Sports & the Environment: Volleyball maxi cards (view item)