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Member since Apr 13, 2014
Last login Sep 9, 2020
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Signed Lightning Bolt Christopher Rush Magic the Gathering (view item)
Ultra Pro Green Mana Deck Box Magic the Gathering (view item)
Descent Into Madness Magic the Gathering Mythic Rare (view item)
Foil Gather the Townsfolk Magic the Gathering MTG Promo Jetttttt2000 (view item)
Foil Squadron Hawk Magic the Gathering MTG Promo Jetttttt2000 (view item)
Foil Sprouting Thrinax Magic the Gathering MTG Promo Jetttttt2000 (view item)
Ephara, God of the Polis Magic the Gathering MTG Mythic Rare (view item)
Burst Lightning Magic the Gathering MTG Textless Promo Jetttttt2000 (view item)
Sol'Kanar the Swamp King Magic the Gathering MTG Rare (view item)