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Member since Apr 13, 2014
Last login Sep 9, 2020
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Total listings w/ winner: 1,700
Feedback received: 1,559
Positive feedback: 1,557
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Zendikar Plains 232 Magic the Gathering Full Art Basic Land (view item)
positive feedback for
on Oct 27th, 2014 at 7:52 PM PDT (over 10 years ago)
Medomai the Ageless Magic the Gathering MTG Mythic Rare (view item)
Grimgrin, Corpse-Born Magic the Gathering Mythic Rare (view item)
Bloodlord of Vaasgoth Magic the Gathering MTG Mythic Rare (view item)
Council of the Absolute Magic the Gathering MTG Mythic Rare (view item)
Foil Phyrexian Negator Magic the Gathering MTG Mythic Rare (view item)