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Member since Apr 13, 2014
Last login Sep 9, 2020
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Total listings: 2,091
Total listings completed: 2,069
Total listings w/ winner: 1,700
Feedback received: 1,559
Positive feedback: 1,557
Negative feedback: 0
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Foil Savage Lands Magic the Gathering MTG Rare (view item)
Sage of Hours Magic the Gathering MTG Mythic Rare (view item)
Beta Circle of Protection: Red Magic the Gathering MTG (view item)
Niv-mizzet, Dracogenius Magic the Gathering Mythic Rare (view item)
positive feedback for
on Oct 25th, 2014 at 12:27 PM PDT (over 10 years ago)
Foil Promo Sun Titan Magic the Gathering MTG Mythic Rare (view item)
Alpha Circle of Protection : White Magic the Gathering MTG (view item)
Intet, the Dreamer Magic the Gathering Rare (view item)