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Member since Apr 30, 2014
Last login Jun 4, 2024
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Total listings: 3,847
Total listings completed: 3,835
Total listings w/ winner: 871
Feedback received: 1,061
Positive feedback: 1,050
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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1980's * Wrestling magazine * Hogan * Road Warriors * Flair * Macho Man (view item)
Lot of 8 vintage silver age super-hero comics (view item)
1970's * Marvel comic book * Fantastic Four (view item)
BATMAN & JUDGE DREDD * graphic novel * DC comics (view item)
X-Factor #2 * 1980's mutant comic book * Marvel (view item)
Incredible lot of 9 "The Mighty Thor" 1989 -1990 good condition - bonus included (view item)
The WARRIORS 1979 movie * double sided t-shirt (view item)