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Member since May 19, 2014
Last login Jun 8, 2021
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 35
Total listings completed: 35
Total listings w/ winner: 35
Feedback received: 155
Positive feedback: 154
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Ps3 Playstation 3 Star Hawk game with manual (view item)
Ps3 Playstation 3 Batman Arkham Asylum game with manual (view item)
Ps 2 games lots to choose from winner pics title plus bonus (view item)
Style Savvy (Nintendo DS, 2006) Game Only. Tested. (view item)
Puchi Puchi Virus (Nintendo DS, 2009) Tested. (view item)
Disney Princess: Enchanting Storybooks (Nintendo Wii, 2011) Complete. Tested. (view item)
Marvel Super Hero Squad: Comic Combat (Nintendo Wii, 2011) Tested. (view item)
Backyard Football ‘08 (Sony PlayStation 2, 2007) Complete. Tested. (view item)
Barbie Diaries: High School Mystery (Nintendo Gameboy Advance, 2006) Game Only. Tested. (view item)