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Member since Jul 21, 2011
Last login Dec 8, 2013
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Total listings: 11
Total listings completed: 11
Total listings w/ winner: 11
Feedback received: 99
Positive feedback: 99
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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shipping free! (12) - 1 dozen! Transformers the movie: 35mm film cel mint condition framed (view item)
shipping free! (12) - 1 dozen! Transformers the movie: 35mm film cel --mint & framed (view item)
shipping free! (12) - 1 dozen! Star Wars Clone Wars movie: 35mm film cel mint condition framed (view item)
shipping free! (12) - 1 dozen! Star Wars Clone Wars movie: 35mm film cel mint condition framed (view item)
Uncanny X-Men #268 with Captain America Wolverine and Black Widow (view item)
(12) - 1 dozen! --> Star Wars: Clone Wars movie: 35mm film cel mint condition framed- free shipping! (view item)
(12) - 1 dozen ! --> Transformers the movie: 35mm film cel- mint condition, framed - free shipping! (view item)
(12) - 1 dozen! --> The Watchmen movie: 35mm film cel mint condition framed- free shipping! (view item)