"AWESOME LISTIAN buyer glad you like the rda thought they were really neat even as a 1:1 that's ... " (more)cool you love the coils also figured that would get you started girl friend till you got your stuff."
"SELLERS BEWARE Buyer mad they "overpayed" even though it was THEIR bid, then threw a fit ... " (more)like a child when I didn't refund so they said the game was fake! Listia gave both of us our credits back! Your lying, I have emails proving you said you'd get your credits back no matter what! SCAMMER! AVOID! "
"Great transaction, perfect timing for the buyer, and very good communication, seamless as I had wha ... " (more)t was wanted at the time, A+++++ Listian!"
"Not every one lives in a land where everything goes perfectly and has all the money at their dispos ... " (more)al. Most people live in the real world and know anything can happen and they understand and are patient and then there is..........."