"Sometimes items take real long to arrive from this seller. Requested a refund in the meantime, but ... " (more) I look forward to reversing the refund once it arrives."
left positive feedback for
Nina1937 on Sep 23rd, 2018 at 3:45 AM PDT (over 6 years ago)
Air cover DDR(Germany)- USSR, 1975 years, used(view item)
"Sometimes items take real long to arrive from this seller. Requested a refund in the meantime, but ... " (more) I look forward to reversing the refund once it arrives."
"Sometimes items take real long to arrive from this seller. Requested a refund in the meantime, but ... " (more) I look forward to reversing the refund once it arrives."
"Sometimes items take real long to arrive from this seller. Requested a refund in the meantime, but ... " (more) I look forward to reversing the refund once it arrives."
"Sometimes items take real long to arrive from this seller. Requested a refund in the meantime, but ... " (more) I look forward to reversing the refund once it arrives."
"Sometimes items take real long to arrive from this seller. Requested a refund in the meantime, but ... " (more) I look forward to reversing the refund once it arrives."
"Sometimes items take real long to arrive from this seller. Requested a refund in the meantime, but ... " (more) I look forward to reversing the refund once it arrives."
"Sometimes items take real long to arrive from this seller. Requested a refund in the meantime, but ... " (more) I look forward to reversing the refund once it arrives."