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Member since Aug 14, 2014
Last login Dec 14, 2018
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 43
Total listings completed: 43
Total listings w/ winner: 43
Feedback received: 70
Positive feedback: 70
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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20 SILVER BUTTERFLY on white organza drawstring gift party favor jewelry bags 9x12cm (view item)
Silver Multifaceted Multicolored Beaded Necklace and Earring Set *F/S w/ GIN, w/o gin LOW SHIPPING** (view item)
Metallic Rose Red and Silvery Beaded Necklace and Earring Set *F/S w/ GIN, LOW ship w/o gin* (view item)
huge lot of vintage pearl necklaces ( craft) (view item)