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Member since Aug 21, 2011
Last login Jul 31, 2014
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 20
Total listings completed: 19
Total listings w/ winner: 17
Feedback received: 196
Positive feedback: 192
Negative feedback: 1
Percent positive feedback: 99%
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Ty Collectible Trading Card BEANIE BABIES stilts the stork (view item)
Ty Collectible Trading Card BEANIE BABIES bernie the st. bernard (view item)
THREE TRACE PREPAID PHONE CARDS: 45 minutes total (view item)
Vintage Leather Jacket Brown Sz 9/10 Casablanca Brand (view item)
positive feedback for
on Nov 9th, 2011 at 9:08 PM PST (over 13 years ago)