"Thank you for participating in my auction,may you find the embrace of Peace, Love, and Hope for you ... " (more) and your family...That is my Christmas wish for you Chris. k.i.t. : ) "
left positive feedback for
chrishuffman1 on Dec 23rd, 2011 at 11:53 AM PST (almost 13 years ago)
new crystal and silvertone blue rose earrings new(view item)
"I had issues w/winner regarding paying the invoice. I sent them 3 invoices thru PayPal for the S&am ... " (more)p;H. And they stated they deleted em or supposively didn't receive them. Than they had the audacity to start belittling me & lashing out rudely. I opened a ticket asking the moderators to issue refund of their credits because I was tired of their rudeness & I was no longer going to wait around til they decided to pay, mind you the auction ended on 11/29 this is how long I have been dealing with this. I am 100% glad to credit back their measly 50 credits. "