"I am so happy hon that they did as well .. you'll have to send me a note on many people want a ... " (more)pair and how to get them. I just ordered 18 more of them if you need some for friends .. hehe. So always enjoy sending you packages. Great Buyer!!!"
"Loved the ring so much it's so beautiful ..thanks for the speedy delivery and so will be biddin ... " (more)g on more of your auctions in the future. Thanks so very much for a great auction."
"I am so happy that you liked the earrings and so hope to be sending you some more packages in the f ... " (more)uture. I love your auctions as well and hope we can become friends!! Great Buyer!"
"Please accept my apologies for this auction and that this won't reflex on you bidding on any fu ... " (more)rther auctions that I may have in the futire. I would love to see me sending something in the furture to you. Thank you so very much for your kindness in this matter.
"So am happy that you so liked the earrings and hope that you will continue to want to bid on more a ... " (more)uctions in the future. You're a super buyer and so love shipping items to you!!"
"I so knew you'd love that shade and so excited to share them with you. I love nail polishes so ... " (more)much and so love we can share it with you. Hope I can be sending more packages your way in the near future. XOOX"