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Member since Oct 13, 2014
Last login Feb 17, 2016
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Total listings: 77
Total listings completed: 77
Total listings w/ winner: 77
Feedback received: 174
Positive feedback: 167
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Percent positive feedback: 98%
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Nwt... STUNNING.. beaded/sequined sleeveless (shell) Think mother of the bride/groom (view item)
I.N. San Fransico (sz L)"Glitters" Stretchy (view item)
Brand New Women's Grey "BYC" - Brand "XL" Embellished Leisure Vest (view item)
COOL 2015-2016 DALLAS COWBOYS 2 year planner (view item)
ScentSationals - Limited Edition - SERIOUSLY? Wax Cubes (view item)