"A+++ Seller...Thank You Got it and put it on my wife's laptop and got the reaction I wanted and ... " (more) it was great & fun moment. So, thank you again and Blessings, Frank"
"Thank You very much, you are a good person and I enjoyed dealing with someone with patience when th ... " (more)ere is a hic-up. A+++ Seller Blessings, Frank"
"I am leaving a neutral feed back because it wont let me do a negative. This so called human being c ... " (more)arolcopeland9 is evil. I don't say this lightly. This thing (Witch) sold me a watch and said it was a $285 watch, it was a $10.00 watch. I took the high road an just kept this junk watch. BEWARE of her"
"eheinzl BEST SELLER EVER!!! Hi Emily your packaging was A+++, Your EXTRA Goodies were beyond kind, ... " (more)you are the BEST Person and Seller I've met on Listia!!! My wife is BEYOND Happy. God Bless You!!!, Frank"