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Member since Oct 30, 2014
Last login Mar 14, 2021
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Total listings: 3
Total listings completed: 3
Total listings w/ winner: 3
Feedback received: 8
Positive feedback: 8
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Casio Exilim EX-Z90 12.1MP Digital Camera with 3x Zoom 2.7 inch LCD (view item)
junie b jones and the musy gushy valentines (view item)
BLU smart phone its a pre-paid phone & Charger & headphones that all came with it. (view item)
Thomas & Friends Stephen "The Rocket" motorized train (view item)
Motorola Android Droid RazrM Verizon 4G LTE HD VIDEO has Front and back Camera. (view item)