left positive feedback for
April68E on Jan 24th, 2017 at 2:44 PM PST (about 8 years ago)
2 Semi-Precious Mahogany Obsidian Gemstone Heart Pendant Beads(view item)
"I will look forward to seeing you again! Thanks again for making the trade a Joy and a Blessing! ... " (more)You are one of the people who make Listia such a great place to trade! ~Namaste"
"Thank you so much for the beautiful feedback! I am always happy to trade with you! Another GREAT ... " (more)trade! Brightest Blessings to you! ~Namaste"
left positive feedback for
April68E on Jan 24th, 2017 at 2:41 PM PST (about 8 years ago)
2 Semi-Precious Blue Goldstone Heart Shaped Pendant and/or Charms (view item)
"I am always so glad that you are happy! Thank you for making each trade a pleasure and a Joy! I a ... " (more)m happy to have you back anytime! Brightest Blessings to you! ~Namaste"