"Thank you very much for the nice feedback! It's appreciated! You are a great buyer yourself. Sm ... " (more)ooth transaction and pleasant person. :-)"
"You are very, very welcome Vanessa! ~(*+﹏+*)~I really, really appreciate you bidding on my auction ... " (more)& all of your Awesome support & words! I hope your grandma likes it too! <(@ ̄︶ ̄@)>THANK YOU VERY MUCH! (*^﹏^*)"
left positive feedback for
vanessadeluca52056 on Feb 17th, 2015 at 12:02 PM PST (almost 10 years ago)
The Walking Dead: Minimates Series 4 - "Prison Lori" & "Shoulder Zombie" (2-Pack)(view item)
"I wasn't worried about you transferring the credits. I just wanted to be sure that it does get ... " (more)to him and was hoping it got to him for Valentines Day. Sorry if my last message came across as if I didn't trust you."