"My sincere apologies. I have been without a computer for bout 10 days. I finally got my stuff up an ... " (more)d running. I had no access to Listia or addresses, etc. Item shipped today."
"Sorry for the issues. Computer was down. Item has shipped even though credits refunded. Again, ... " (more)Sorry for inconvenience. My history shows that this is not normal activity for my auctions."
left positive feedback for
heatherchapulis on Jun 26th, 2015 at 7:21 AM PDT (over 9 years ago)
Kevin Harvick Budweiser 16 paneled banner Nascar(view item)
"Sorry for issues regarding shipping. Computer was down and could not get address. Item has shippe ... " (more)d even though credits refunded. Again, sorry for inconvenience. My history shows that this is not normal activity for my auctions. "