"Thank you so much for shipping so fast! A+++++ seller. I look forward to biddng from you in the fut ... " (more)ure. I am giving these items to cancer patients! God bless you!"
"your very welcome :) i'm so glad your daughter loves her gifts. i look forward to working with ... " (more)you again your a great buyer! thanks (^.^)"
left positive feedback for
kewlchic29 on Jun 22nd, 2015 at 12:41 PM PDT (over 9 years ago)
~~~< Brand New My Little Pony Mystery Item! Please Read & w/low starting bid! >~~~(view item)
"5***** Totally cool. Thank you for the extra things for the sale. I appreciate it. I have a pick ... " (more)up load of stuff coming sometime this week or next. I will be needing a vacation when this is all done. :) It's 5 o'clock somewhere. Take care. Doug"