"Lies, lies,lies lies ! she is the creepist lady i ever dealt with! this is a negative feed back fr ... " (more)om me, this lady is a scamer! said one day mailing, took 11 days, she had no money for the $20 she was selling! had to get listia to make her buy a $20 card! look at her other neg feed backs. i had to click on neutral but she is a neg for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!! lies, lies, lies, lies."
"Didn't ship for three weeks, and when she did, it was postage due on a free shipping auction. I ... " (more)'m not the only one she's done this to - beware and bid at your own risk."
"Sent cash payment as requested by seller, but after almost 2 months and many messages asking if it ... " (more)had been sent, I never got it. Seller seems very nice, but after finally reading through her other feedback messages I was saddened to see that I am not the first buyer of hers that this has happened to. I feel I gave her plenty of time to send this to me (or send a second, as she says). I will no longer be sending cash to anyone. Lesson learned."