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Member since Sep 25, 2011
Last login Feb 11, 2013
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Total listings: 205
Total listings completed: 204
Total listings w/ winner: 194
Feedback received: 278
Positive feedback: 269
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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disney's little golden books, little mermaid, babmi, barbie, poky little puppy and more (view item)
age defying lumene finland vitamin c+ with arctic cloudberry sample (view item)
~MORE~ :)multiplication - division sticker chart ~school supplies~ (view item)
positive feedback for
on Sep 10th, 2012 at 9:02 AM PDT (over 12 years ago)
brand new still in package red and white walgreens playing card deck (view item)
disney's little golden books, little mermaid, babmi, barbie, poky little puppy and more (view item)
multiplication - division sticker chart ~school supplies~ (view item)
~3 DAY AUCTION~ 500 brand new 6mm white plastic airsoft bb balls from crossman (view item)
200 brand new 6mm white plastic airsoft bb balls from crossman (view item)
~3 DAY~ brand new still in package disney princess yo yo. snow white, cinderella, and more. ages 3+ (view item)