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Member since Feb 22, 2015
Last login Dec 12, 2018
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Total listings: 23
Total listings completed: 15
Total listings w/ winner: 13
Feedback received: 1,263
Positive feedback: 1,227
Negative feedback: 8
Percent positive feedback: 99%
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Unisex Women Men Vintage Retro Fashion Aviator Mirror Lens Sunglasses Glasses (view item)
positive feedback for
on Apr 3rd, 2015 at 7:45 AM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
Thank You For Your Service - Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard - Elongated Cent (Penny) (view item)
Hippy Tribal Peasant Sequin Belly Dance Indian MINI SKIRT Boho Gypsy Tie & Dye 22" (view item)
Hippy Tribal Peasant Sequin Belly Dance Indian Knee Length SKIRT Boho Gypsy Light Green 28" (view item)
Hippy Tribal Peasant Sequin Belly Dance Indian MINI SKIRT Boho Gypsy Light Blue 23" (view item)
Hippy Tribal Peasant Sequin Belly Dance Indian MINI SKIRT Boho Gypsy BROWN 22" (view item)
Hippy Tribal Peasant Sequin Belly Dance Indian MINI SKIRT Boho Gypsy Light Blue 22" (view item)
Hippy Tribal Peasant Sequin Belly Dance Indian Knee Length SKIRT Boho Gypsy Red 28" (view item)