left positive feedback for
lexismimi on Jan 20th, 2012 at 7:38 PM PST (almost 13 years ago)
McDonalds Gift Card for $10 or GIN & get 2FREE Big MACs & 2 Large Fries & Oatmeal!!& GIN surprise!(view item)
"* * * N E G A T I V E F E E D B A C K * * * the seller claimed to be giving mystery coins in ... " (more) the auction..which usually means something good...when i got the package it contained a corroded wheat penny and 2 other wheat pennies...CRAP GIFT!!! when i confronted the seller he said said he never claimed the mystery gift would be good...i would leave negative feedback but id have to create a dispute and send the item back, and then id have to pay return shipping and have nothing to show for...BEWARE OF ANY MYSTERY GIFT FROM THIS SELLER!!! KNOW WHAT YOUR GETTING FIRST!!! * * * N E G A T I V E F E E D B A C K * * * "