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Member since Mar 17, 2015
Last login Oct 20, 2015
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Total listings: 185
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Feedback received: 262
Positive feedback: 258
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Percent positive feedback: 99%
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positive feedback for
on Jun 22nd, 2015 at 5:01 AM PDT (over 9 years ago)
$7.50 towards fandango ticket for Jurassic world (view item)
$7.50 towards fandango ticket for Jurassic world (view item)
$7.50 towards fandango ticket for Jurassic world (view item)
$7.50 towards fandango ticket for Jurassic world (view item)
$5.00 towards fandango ticket to see Jurassic world (view item)
Blue Sticky Pad Holds Phone, MP3, Coins, Sun Glasses, GPS (view item)
Red/pink Sticky Pad Holds Phone, MP3, Coins, Sun Glasses, GPS (1Red/pink ) (view item)