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Member since Mar 17, 2015
Last login Oct 28, 2018
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 277
Total listings completed: 276
Total listings w/ winner: 220
Feedback received: 236
Positive feedback: 234
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Pokemon Double Playset 4 Exeggcute 1/108 & 4 Exeggutor 2/108 Roaring Skies 2 cards are Reverse Holo (view item)
Fennekin 25/162 Pokemon card BREAK THROUGH XY BREAKthrough (view item)
1 Pidove ,1 Tranquill , 2 Unfezant 78 ,79 ,80, 81/108 Evolution Set ! Roaring Skies Pokemon cards (view item)
4 Skiddo 16/162 BREAKthrough Playset Pokemon cards (view item)
Pokemon 1 Vespiquen and 1 Combee Ancient Origins (view item)
Pokemon 4 Spritzee Playset 1 Reverse Holo 105/162 BREAKThrough cards BONUS w GIN ! (view item)
Pokemon Grovyle x4 cards Playset 7/160 XY Primal Clash (view item)
Pokemon 1 Vespiquen and 1 Combee Ancient Origins (view item)
Pokemon Magnezone EX 35/106 FlashFire Holo Ultra Rare Card (view item)