"Great seller, return customer. Sent quickly with tracking. I asked her to wait and send all of my c ... " (more)ombined winnings together - they're beautiful! Thank you very much!"
"Great seller, sent my combined winnings as requested, with tracking. I haven't had a chance to ... " (more)watch the three movies yet, but will do so asap. Thank you very much!"
"Great seller, sent my combined winnings as requested, with tracking. I haven't had a chance to ... " (more)watch the three movies yet, but will do so asap. Thank you very much!"
"Great seller, sent my combined winnings as requested, with tracking. I haven't had a chance to ... " (more)watch the three movies yet, but will do so asap. Thank you very much!"
"Great seller, sent quickly with tracking. I haven't listened to it yet, but will do so asap. Lo ... " (more)ve Aretha - always have, always will. Thank you very much and have a wonderful weekend!"
"It looks like my Dias Kitty, except he didn't have quite as much white on his chest and none on ... " (more) his face. Other than that, the face is the same and the eyes are the same. Excellent artist, great seller, ships quickly. I've won a bunch of her auctions and her artwork is so good! Thank you very much!"
"Won on Sunday, received on Thursday. Excellent artist, great seller, ships quickly and is very frie ... " (more)ndly. I've won a bunch of her auctions and her artwork is so good! Thank you very much!"
left positive feedback for
kneener109 on Nov 9th, 2017 at 4:04 PM PST (almost 7 years ago)
ROSE WITH DOILY - 5 x 7" art card by artist Nina Struthers - GIN ONLY(view item)
"Excellent artist, great seller, ships quickly and is very friendly. I've won a bunch of her auc ... " (more)tions and her artwork is so good! Thank you very much!"