"I cant get negative feed back neither or id give him negatie feed back game doeswork i never claim ... " (more)to send any cases if i do its because they will usea get it now plus he cried and complained it hadnt arried 4 days after auction ended no loss people like him arent worth the credits hes blocked now "
"Great listian customer shipping was sentwithout proper postage an error on post office on this end ... " (more)but the customer still gave me positive feedback i hopeto do business again thank you "
"Due to tehatchipi mudslides 2015 and lake hughes mud slides2015 mail was caught in the antelope val ... " (more)ley all roads cleared game is on the way listia has compensated us both thank you for your patients against the forces of nature"
"Im in california where we just had flash floods that swept away semis trucks fully loaded so no roa ... " (more)ds were open to get mail through im sorry ill relist it if your still interestedi know it was alot of trouble but its nature who did this please accept my apoligy "