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Member since Oct 30, 2011
Last login Dec 8, 2015
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 69
Total listings completed: 69
Total listings w/ winner: 60
Feedback received: 98
Positive feedback: 94
Negative feedback: 1
Percent positive feedback: 99%
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MTG Sheoldred, Whispering One Prerelease Mythic Rare (view item)
MTG Ethersworn Canonist Foil Rare Shards of Alara (view item)
MTG Through the Breach Rare Champions of Kamigawa (view item)
multi card reader works great no brand name china (view item)
MTG Coalition Relic Rare Phyrexia vs the Coalition (view item)
MTG Detention Sphere Rare Return to Ravnica (view item)