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Member since Jun 8, 2016
Last login Nov 5, 2017
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 131
Total listings completed: 124
Total listings w/ winner: 122
Feedback received: 168
Positive feedback: 159
Negative feedback: 5
Percent positive feedback: 97%
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Yugioh lot huge selection with 73 cards mostly varies (view item)
Yugioh lot various cards in a set put together called robo gear (view item)
Performapal Momoncarpet 1st edition holographic YS16-EN004 yugioh super rare card (view item)
positive feedback for
on Mar 11th, 2017 at 11:15 AM PST (about 8 years ago)
Raidraptor mint collection (7) card includes all 1st edition, new badge celebration Yugioh cards (view item)
Raidraptor-Singing Lanius CORE-EN014 Yugioh card (view item)
1906 1C Indian head cent au 50 cleaned proof graded one cent (view item)
1907 1C Indian Head AU 50 1 C proof one graded cent (view item)
1976-S Quarter 25C PCGS PR69DCAM CLAD graded 25 cent us bicentennial Washington proof (view item)
Spyral master plan 1st edition INOV-EN087 super rare holographic card new badge celebration (view item)