left positive feedback for
rictor on Jan 15th, 2011 at 6:47 PM PST (almost 14 years ago)
Louis Delmas 2010 Score Scorecard Card 211/499 Detroit Lions(view item)
"Auction NEVER stated that this was a sketch card. Card was pictured and exactly as described. This ... " (more)is a short printed original artwork card from the set. Meaning Jeff Hardy painted and came up with the design in which the card company made the cards from. Base cards are 1-100. These short print cards are limited to 1 per box numbers 101-110 Bidder assumed this was a sketch not knowing about this set and did not ask questions nor email before leaving feedback. Not my fault! **Hardy, a talented artist in addition to being TNA’s World Heavyweight Champion, produced original artwork which is featured exclusively in TNA XTREME Trading Cards on short-printed cards 101-110.**"