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Member since Nov 8, 2011
Last login Dec 28, 2020
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 91
Total listings completed: 89
Total listings w/ winner: 74
Feedback received: 147
Positive feedback: 137
Negative feedback: 1
Percent positive feedback: 99%
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9 inch tall rustic burnished metal bent over Christmas tree votive candle holder (view item)
9 Inch tall rustic burnished metal Santa holding carol book votive holder (view item)
Vintage Avon NIB (old stock) Gingerbread House shaped candle (view item)
Little Rabbits Christmas Cloth Activity book zips all around with handle (view item)
GIR large purse metalic hot pink, black and lime green with monkey on front (view item)
Wooden perpetual calender with place for your favorite photo at top (view item)