"Soon after the end of this and another one of my auctions, I experienced a relapse with my Multiple ... " (more) Sclerosis. I was unable to get in contact with this customer until yesterday bc I was having to stay with my parents so they could help me and help take care of my son while my husband has been working. My parents do not have the internet and for some reason, Listia would not allow me to sign in on my phone. Once I received an email from the customer asking about the product, I was able to email them back. I gave her the option of either giving me another chance to get this out in the maiil to her today with an extra flower wand for another special little girl in her life or I'd gladly return the credits. She opted for the credits. I appreciate the kind way in which this issue was handled and highly recommend this buyer in the future. Thanks for understanding, lantababy06. You're awesome!"
"Super great person!! So sorry your so sick,and will continue to send you well wishes..hope you and ... " (more)your family have a very merry christmas!!!"