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Member since Feb 15, 2017
Last login Feb 2, 2021
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Total listings: 1,323
Total listings completed: 1,317
Total listings w/ winner: 6
Feedback received: 672
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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1994 Bernie Wrightson More Macabre Fantasy Art Card: Bad Girs (view item)
1987 Marvel Colossal Conflicts Card: CONSTRICTOR #14 (view item)
1987 Marvel Colossal Conflicts Card: COLLECTOR #13 (view item)
1987 Marvel Colossal Conflicts Card: COBRA #12 (view item)
1987 Marvel Colossal Conflicts Card: BLOB #9 (view item)
1987 Marvel Colossal Conflicts Card: BARON ZEMO #7 (view item)
1987 Marvel Colossal Conflicts Card: BARON BLOOD #6 (view item)
1987 Marvel Colossal Conflicts Card: ATTUMA #5 (view item)
1994 Darrell K Sweet Lovely Collectible Art Card: The Ultimate Warrior (view item)
1994 Darrell K Sweet Lovely Collectible Art Card: Shuttle Down (view item)