"Sorry just got it on Saturday but was busy all weekend. Yes I have received this as described thank ... " (more) you and would bid on this seller's auctions again!!!"
"I entered I got it when I first got this ....but Listia emailed me saying I didn't confirm the ... " (more)transaction.....I don't knw why guess it didn't take ....I honestly hate computers sometimes....I'm so sorry I honestly did send back that day that I got the Item....Hope u didn't miss out on anything."
"Seriously Just got this today we've been checking mail daily....I hate my post office....Can ... " (more)9;t imagine it should have taken this long being that we live in the same state....Thanks for the Great Item as described and it still came quick.....Just the Postal service sucks around here."
"Sorry I've been sick and am just now feeling well enough that I remembered to leave feedback... ... " (more).the Item was as described my son Loved them and they arrived quickly....Thanks again!!"