"The seller was very good with communication but ... " (more) the postal service just didn't want the transaction to take place. I would use seller again because they apologized and refunded me immediately when I sent the request. Thank you :)"
May 22nd 2018, 11:29:15 PM PDT (almost 7 years ago)
"im very sorry for the mistake, the postal se ... " (more)rvice has not been so good to me this year, but however thank you for your support Sarah rose jewelry, and you have a great day today,"
May 22nd 2018, 10:18:46 PM PDT (almost 7 years ago)
"i hope you like our newest line of jewelry, a ... " (more)nd your a great customer and fast pay also my friend, thank you for your support Sarah rose jewelry,"
May 15th 2018, 6:52:34 PM PDT (almost 7 years ago)
"I will let you know if and when I rec ... " (more)eive them. Awesome seller, so sorry the post office messed up.. Will be looking at future auctions for sure!!"
May 12th 2018, 5:18:17 PM PDT (almost 7 years ago)
"im very sorry, this postal service i have re ... " (more)ally needs to get their ack together, i did send you out another if you receive your jewelry just let me know, i sent one out with 3 stamps on it, and one with 2, thank you for your support Sarah rose jewelry, and im very sorry."
May 12th 2018, 3:11:44 PM PDT (almost 7 years ago)