"After the auction ended on monday 1-9-12 ... " (more)i messaged the seller and asked when the book would be shipped out and the seller told me "as soon as my flat rate boxes are delivered to my house. it will be soon though. i will keep you updated thank you for your patience." then on monday 1-16-12 the seller messaged me saying "i should be sending the book out by the end of this week sorry for the inconvience" and so i messaged the seller on sunday 1-22-12 and asked if the book was shipped out and i got no reply so i decided to get my credits back. This seller never intended to ship the item out. LISTIA STATES THAT THE SELLER HAS TO SHIP THE ITEM OUT WITHIN 7 DAYS."
Jan 24th 2012, 2:59:51 PM PST (about 13 years ago)